Indoor Cat Activities for International Cat Day: Fun Ideas to Keep Your Cat Engaged

International Cat Day is the perfect occasion to celebrate and appreciate the unique personality of your indoor cat. While outdoor cats have the world to explore, indoor cats require creative activities to stay stimulated and entertained. If you're wondering how to keep your feline friend engaged on this special day, here are some fun and interactive ideas that will make your cat purr with delight. A. Why Indoor Activities Are Essential for Your Cat’s Well-Being Keeping an indoor cat entertained isn't just about fun—it's essential for their mental and physical health. Unlike outdoor cats, who naturally hunt and explore, indoor cats need alternative ways to satisfy their instincts. Activities like interactive play, problem-solving games, and physical exercise prevent boredom, reduce stress, and keep your cat healthy and happy. B. Top 5 Indoor Activities for International Cat Day To make International Cat Day extra special, try these engaging indoor activities tailored for yo...

How to overcome Uterine infection (pyometra) for your female cats

our female cats

As cat lovers, we must always supervise every cat we keep as pets, especially we keep them in the house.

We keep 5 cats, 4 mixdoms, 1 male called Chiki (orange tabby cat), 2 females called Bibu (gray fur cat) and chiko (tuxedo cat) from 1 mother named Mimi OCIL, and another one female called mily from race Himalayan cat,

We created this article to share information about what pyometra is that occurs in female cats and how to deal with it, as well as my experience in spaying or sterilizing for our cat Mimi OCIL who was exposed to open pyometra during lust time.

Here's a little information about uterine infection or pyometra in female cats which I have summarized from several references, I hope this is useful for cat lovers.

Pyometra is a disease that mostly affects to female cats in their middle age. This disease is a uterine infection caused by hormonal irregularities that can cause secondary bacterial infections.

There are two types of pyometra, open and closed pyometra. Open pyometra is characterized by mucus in the form of pus coming out of the vulva. This mucus is sometimes accompanied by the presence of blood and a very pungent odor.

open Pyometra

Meanwhile, in cases of closed pyometra, there is no purulent mucus coming out of the vulva due to the closure of the cervix (uterine ring), so it is often confused with pregnancy.

The difficulty of diagnosing the disease in its early stages makes this disease a scourge, because it is usually detected when the disease is already in an advanced stage. The best diagnosis is to use ultrasound or X-RAY.

As cat lovers, of course we don't want our pet cats at home to get this disease, for that it's good for us to know more about what pyometra is in cats, how it can happen, symptoms, diagnosis and how to treat it.


  • Putrefactive bacterial infection due to injury / physical trauma to the uterus
  •  Hormonal instability due to continuous administration of contraceptive injections              (progesterone) and exceeding the normal dose
  • There are still dead fetuses (children) left in the uterus and cannot come out after the      cat gives birth

Clinical Symptoms:

  • Usually a yellow discharge (pus) comes out of the vagina
  • Stomach enlarged like being pregnant
  • Appetite and drink decreased
  • High body temperature > 39° C
  • The condition of the body gradually weakeness
  • Cats will die with enlarged stomach conditions accompanied by discharge of pus and dirty blood from the vagina

How to Diagnose:

  •  According to based on history and clinical symptoms that appear
  • Physical examination: palpation (touch) abdominal (stomach area) and palpation through the rectum (anal area)
  • Laboratory tests (blood test, urine test, vaginal cell test)
  • Rongten (X-Ray)


  • Fluid therapy (infusion)
  • Surgery (ovariohysterectomy)
  • Antibacterial administration in the form of appropriate and continuous antibiotics and antihistamines
  • Administration of the hormone prostaglandin or oxytocin to stimulate discharge of pus
  • In many cases, usually the recommended treatment is sterilization, Sterilization means removing the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and all associated blood vessels


  • Do not continuously inject family planning in cats and the dose exceeds normal
  • Do not cross cats between small breeds and large breeds
  • If you marry a cat, it must be according to the ideal age
  • Providing nutritious feed, especially when the cat is pregnant

Immediately take it to the veterinarian if your female cat experiences the symptoms as above, the sooner the treatment, the better for the cat.



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